Friday, July 24, 2009


So today I'm upset... My dad has a corvette and he loves it to death he always is on time with making sure the car is in tiptop condition, but that's not my problem my problem is the I just recently got my liscense and instead of my parents rewarding me with a new car of my own they decided to give me my deadbeat brothers cadillac. Now don't get me wrong the car is nice when it's clean it's a truly nice looking car I can't say beautiful but it's deffinetly up there in the looks department. Anyways the car in the actual running department is as good as a lame duck, to say the least. The cars engine got better over the past couple days due to a self inflicted flush of the ignition valve if in fact that is a real thing. But the biggest problem is the oil leak that the car has and for this problem my father won't let me go far away from the house with the car and my girl lives an hour away from my house if u drive fast so it's pretty far. And so that's my problem with him he says he talks to so many ppl about getting the car worked on and this and that but at the end of the day I'm still sitting in lame ass snellville with my thumb up my butt. Sitting and waiting for him to get my car fixed and yet his car is getting everything it needs all the time. He kills me with that and I hate it so much.

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